Welcome to the Randolph Masonic Lodge 1268 AF&AM ......We meet every third Monday of the month at 7:30 PM, dinner at 6:30 PM

Randolph Masonic Lodge 1268 AF&AM - 507 Main St. Schertz, TX 78154
Randolph Masonic Lodge 1268 AF&AM - 507 Main St. Schertz, TX 78154


2024-2025 Officers
Worshipful Master:

Senior Warden:

Junior Warden:



Mason since 1993. Member of Randolph Lodge since 2017, Raised a Master Mason at John C. Pelt #1321 in Duncanville Texas. Honored to be a Past Master of John C. Pelt #1321 from 2012-2013.

Awarded the Golden Trowel award in 2022


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